A very simple way to increase your traffic is to make sure that your readers comes back to read new comments. Subscribe to Comments Reloaded By camu makes that a very simple thing to do.
Subscribe to Comments Reloaded is a robust plugin that enables commenters to sign up for e-mail notification of subsequent entries. The plugin includes a full-featured subscription manager that your commenters can use to unsubscribe to certain posts or suspend all notifications. It solves most of the issues that affect Mark Jaquith’s version, using the latest WordPress features and functionality.
Here’s how
Surf to Dashboard / Plugins / Add New
Search for ‘Subscribe to Comments Reloaded’ By camu
Install and activate the plugin. Once installed, you will now see this option below all of your comment entry boxes.
Note: If you are logged into your site, you will see something a bit different. Log out to see it this way.
Your readers can even subscribe without commenting. We get quite a few of those over at Life As A Human. They will get this screen if they click the subscribe link.
As well, when you surf to your comments (Dashboard / Comments) you will see a new column on the right side that lets you know if the commenter has subscribed.
If someone decides that they do not want to receive further e-mail notifications, each e-mail they receive has a link for them to unsubscribe.
The settings for the plugin can be found under Dashboard / Settings / Subscribe To Comments. I find the default settings to be just fine but feel free to noodle with them!
Make it so!
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