Our problems are simply a blank canvas waiting for a solution.
So, what kind of an artist will you be today? ~ Gil Namur
What is synaptic i? It is a small island on this great digital ocean we call the internet that provides inspiration, motivation, guidance and hope.
We are all thinkers. Every one of us thinks and the thoughts we carry shape who we are. Everything we read, see and hear, positive and negative, has an influence on our thought processes, but it is ultimately us who chose to what degree these external influences affect our outlook.
Who we are and how we behave is in large measure driven by an intricate and complex collection of our experiences, thoughts and ideas. We are what we think, we act on what we know and we reap what we sow. Our synapses fire in patterns that we have created over time through our own choices. We are, synaptic I.
Countless news stories about the economy, the environment and our state of social decay assault our spirit on a daily basis. We are told that our economy will be in shambles for years to come and that hardship will become a reality for many of us. They tell us that the environment is in bad shape and that it may be too late to do anything about it. We read that our society has become self-serving and that values like honesty, integrity and love are harder and harder to find. If this is all we read, all we see, and all we listen to, it will become what we speak and thus become our reality.
I am here to tell you, this does not need to be our reality.
Our problems are simply a blank canvas waiting for a solution.
What kind of an artist will you be today?
Our challenges are great opportunities for growth. How will you face them and how will you help others face them? Our attitude inevitably dictates our actions. How will you choose to feel and based on those feelings, how will you choose to act? What will you sow today? Remember, it is what you will reap tomorrow.
Ultimately, I want to provide you with a lot of information that covers a broad spectrum and is applicable in your business and personal lives. I want this little island to be an encouragement to you!
I want to help and bring people together who also want to help and that is exactly what I am going to do.
Gil Namur