There are more than a few ways to insert a video into your posts. I use a plugin called Viper’s Video Quicktags. I have used this plug in for 3 years now. It is robust and flexible as it allows you to insert:
- YouTube
- Google Video
- DailyMotion
- Vimeo
- Veoh
- Viddler
- Metacafe
- VideoPress aka Video NEW!
- Flickr videos
- MySpaceTV
Most of all, it’s easy to use! We’ll use a YouTube video as an example.
First, install the plugin. Go to Dashboard / Plugins / Add New
Search for Viper’s Video Quicktags by By Viper007Bond.
Install and activate the plugin.
Now surf to Dashboard / Settings / Video Quicktags
This window will open. For now, all I want you to do is change the default “width” in the YouTube settings to 550 which is a safe number for StudioPress themes.
Click Save Changes.
Now, create a new post or edit one that you want to enter a video into. You will now see these options on your top row of edit icons.
Place your cursor in the part of the post where you want to insert the video. Click the YouTube icon. This window will open.
Now, enter the URL you want to use. Ignore the dimensions because we have already told the plugin that we want 550 PX wide. Click Okay!
You need to enter the URL using the right syntax.
This format will not work: will:
And this will:
The easiest way to get the right YouTube link is to watch the video on YouTube and click Share (under the video) and copy the link.
Once you have clicked Okay, you will see this short code appear in your post.
Save you post and preview it. You should now have a video like this one in your post.
If you have not seen this video, stop EVERYTHING and watch it now!
Easy enough?
Next up – How To Insert Videos In Sidebars Or Your Home Page!
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