In the early 90’s, I found myself in a deep funk. I had no idea why. My job was going really well, I was successful and my income was as high as it had ever been. For some reason, I was just de-motivated, uninspired and seeing the world with a negative lens. My friends and acquaintances would tell you that this is very uncharacteristic behavior on my part.
Over lunch one day, I shared my feelings with my very close friend Dale. He was quite surprised but in his usual positive manner, he managed to spread a bit of sunshine into my day. A day later, he popped into my office and handed me a rectangular plastic container with a funny picture on the cover. It immediately reminded me of the famous John Cleese silly walk routine from a Monty Python’s Flying Circus episode. Laughing while I took it from him, I then read the words: Self-Esteem & Peak Performance!
My first thoughts were not very positive. First of all, I had seen many ‘motivational’ presentations and listened to many audio tapes on the same subject. Most of them were a real letdown primarily because they focused on systems as opposed to thought processes. Secondly, the idea that I might have a ‘self esteem’ issue was, well, preposterous! Then the whole ‘peak performance’ thing really irked me. I was a peak performer!
Of course, those feelings all stemmed from the not so rose-colored glasses I was wearing those days and an attitude gone sideways. I politely thanked him for the tapes without letting on to how I was feeling about the whole thing. As Dale often came to my office, I put the tapes in the glove compartment of my car so he would not see them sitting collecting dust…
A few weeks later, I was stuck in traffic. Dale entered my mind so I gave him a quick call. I told him that I really appreciated his friendship and his insights. I then thanked him for how he had immediately followed up with me the day after our conversation over lunch. Dale asked if I had listened to the tapes yet. When I told him that I had not, he told me in no uncertain words that if I really appreciated his insights, I would be listening to the tapes. He was of course, quite right.
Sighing, I reluctantly slid tape one into the tape deck and pressed the play button. Within a few minutes, Jack Canfield had my complete attention. The man speaks with authority but with a voice that obviously comes from a caring heart. I found myself taking the long way home so I could finish both sides of tape one. Over the next 2 days, I listened to all six tapes, and then did it all over again.
Jack Canfield’s Self-Esteem & Peak Performance was a real blessing. Some of what he discusses I had already heard before but he breathed new life into it. He made the concepts real and accessible. There were also many new insights that I had never considered. The very act of listening to the tapes brought me back down to ground. He is not just a great speaker; he is an encouraging voice. Once again, I found myself embracing the days with optimism and a renewed sense of adventure. As well, my attitude was, adjusted! Dale, thanks buddy. You really made a difference then and you still do to this day.
Now available in CD format, this best-selling series will show you how to keep your self-esteem high and live your life with more energy, confidence, and enthusiasm.
Some highlights include:
- How to get what you want in life by letting go of fear
- When to learn from criticism and when and how to ignore it
- How to muster the courage to stand up for what you know is true
- How to hold onto your self-esteem after a big failure
I heartily encourage you to get your hands on this wonderful audio series. You can do so by clicking on the link below. I know you won’t be disappointed!
Self-Esteem & Peak Performance
© Gil Namur, 2009
David says
Thanks for bringing to my attention. I still have the original cassettes and I remember playing Jack’s Self Esteem and Peak Performance tapes in my car during my long commutes. I agree, he is extremely motivational and I will dig out the program from my filing cabinet tonight.
gilnamur says
Hi David,
You are most welcome. I knew you had heard it as we discussed it with Dale once or twice 🙂
Have a great week!
Cory says
I just wanted to let you know that i really appreciated your articles on Synaptic I. Every time I find myself faced with tough life decisions or wondering which direction i should be heading I always go to your website. The crazy (and almost creepy) thing about this is, every time i pull up Synaptic I, your most recent article seems as though you have written it specifically for me and always seems to answer my questions.
I don’t know how you manage to do this but i just wanted to thank you.
gilnamur says
My friend Cory!
Thanks so much for your note. Your words are a real encouragement to me!
I have not been writing as much as I am in the midst of building something very very cool. What is it you wonder? I will tell you next time I see you!
I hope you have a great weekend Cory. Again, thank you for taking the time to write. It really lifts my spirits!