The sound of a great shot on your digital camera. You run home to add it to your new blog post. You save it to your desktop then upload it into your post.
img17654.jpg … it’s a beauty!
Hover over this image. What does it say? img17654
What should it say? At the very least, it should say: A Rabbit!
Think about this. Will ANYONE search Google for img17654? Nope. Will they search for A Rabbit? Probably! Now hover over the image below. Get the idea?

When you add images to your blog posts, do the following:
To save time, before you upload img17654.jpg to your article, rename it to A Rabbit.jpg. This will save you some time and you’ll end up with an image on your computer that at least has a name you can search for!
Once you upload it, BEFORE you insert it into your post,change the title to what you want it to be. Then insert it.
Once it’s loaded, click once on the image and then click on the Edit Image option. This will open up the Image Details window.
By default, WordPress leaves the Alternative Text and Image Title blank. Change that to A Rabbit. The Alternative Text is what search engines will index.
Now copy that into the Image Title. The Title is what gives you the hover text.
If you want, add a caption with a bit more detail about the image. This will show up under the image and works great for full size centered images, not so great (formatting wise) for left or right justified smaller images.
Click update. You now have a properly titled image that is much better for your SEO.
Consider This …
At Life As A Human, roughly 30% of our search traffic comes from image searches. If we did not title our images, we would not have any of that traffic.
Proper image titles aren’t just important for SEO, but also for your readers.
Now you know how to set them … make it so!
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