If you think that successful business people are not a creative bunch, then think again while you consider the following:
- Starting a new business requires someone to create something from nothing.
- Inventing a new product requires a creative process.
- Developing ways to attract clients requires the creation of effective collaterals and marketing mechanisms.
- Winning business away from your competition or closing a complex sale often requires a new and creative approach.
Here’s another way to think about it. Successful companies and entrepreneurs are often referred to as being innovative.
Innovative – being or producing something like nothing done or experienced or created before; “stylistically innovative works”; “innovative members of the artistic community”; “a mind so innovational, so original” – From the Farflex dictionary.
It’s all about creativity!
Over the years, many of my colleagues, clients and competitors have commented on my creative nature. I love to create. From a business standpoint, I have known for a long time that I am a builder. I love to start businesses and I love to take existing businesses to new heights. While these are very different from my song writing and poetry, in their own ways, they are both fulfilling expressions of my creativity.
I have yet to work for a company that devotes time or provides information aimed at helping their employees develop their creativity. Much worse than that, many companies never ask their employees for creative input. Not to do so is to deprive oneself of a great resource. The greatest successes I have had involved cooperative creative input, which is something I have always encouraged from my staff and peers.
“Good companies listen to and learn from their clients and competitors.”
“Great companies listen to and learn from their clients, competitors and employees.”
With all of that in mind, I have decided to introduce a new category called creativity. I will offer articles that present some ideas on how to get your creative juices flowing. They will not always be specific to business so you will have to stretch your mind a bit to think of how you will apply the ideas in a business setting. Conversely, the articles specific to business may also be applicable in your personal lives. Stretching your mind is a good exercise and it is part of the creative process. It is also a great way to further your problem solving skills because you have to think ‘outside of the box’!
I believe that everyone has a creative side. The trick is to recognize it, exercise it and nurture it. I hope you will find the articles in this new category helpful and that they will spark your imagination. After all, creativity and imagination are two of our most important assets!
“You see things as they are and ask, ‘Why?’ I dream things as they never were and ask, ‘Why not?'” – George Bernard Shaw
“Creativity can solve almost any problem. The creative act, the defeat of habit by originality, overcomes everything.” – George Lois
Photo Credits
Leonardo da Vinci Self Portrait © public domain – from Wikipedia
© Gil Namur, 2009
I totally agree. Employees have great ideas. Studies have shown that salary and bonuses only get companies half way – if companies engage employee’s and genuinely value their feedback – the employees are much more likely to stay loyal and enjoy what they do.
Departments should hold weekly brainstorming sessions where ideas are tossed around and no idea is ridiculed – no matter how crazy. Most companies do not do this and they should.
Creative juices need to flow – more than ever now that the economy is still in the tank. Obviously companies need to continue to focus on the bottom line, however, they need to tap the creative geniuses from within their own organization. They may be pleasantly surprised.
Hi David,
Thanks so much for your excellent feedback and comments. I remember some brainstorming with you that was fruitful!
Have a great week my friend!
Great category, Gil! I will certainly keep it in mind for my next guest post with Synaptic i. And since I”m about to get in the car for a long drive, which is always great for firing up my own creative juices, that post should be coming soon!
That’s music to my ears Catherine! We will look forward to your next article 🙂
Have a great drive and a great day!